Welcome to Celtic Heritage
Welcome to Celtic Heritage, a site that I hope will convey some of the beliefs and practises of the Celtic peoples. It is my intention to build up an online resource which details aspects of Celtic culture, history and spirituality.
The following articles cover a wide range of topics, drawing from the entire range of customs, social forms, beliefs, and material traits of the Celtic speaking world. It is my hope that the information found here is as accurate as possible, the sources of my study I feel have been those who had added the most to the study of this fascinating culture.
I do not claim to be an expert in the field myself, just a passionate observer, and I hope that this comes across and is contagious. The study of the Celts is open to a great deal of personal interpretation, as is the case with most subjects.
These articles represent my interpretation. Hopefully my viewpoint has been coloured by the better academical research of the topics. If you wish to discuss any of the matters raised by any of these articles or you wish to contribute to the site please feel to contact me.
J Craig Melia
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Celtic Cult of the Head?
It is generally taken as fact that in the early Celtic period :
that the head was believed to be the vassal of the soul.
that great honour was to be found in collecting the heads as trophies in battle.
Exactly how much validity is there of the so called Celtic "Cult of the Head"? Find out how much iconographical and mythological evidence there is to back up what has become a popular "fact" about the Ancient Celts.